It is quite easy to get approval if we ask enough people, or if we ask those who are likely to tell us what to hear.
The likelihood is that they will say nice things rather than be too critical. Also, we tend to edit out the bad so that we hear only what we want to hear.
So if you have produced a pleasantly acceptable piece of work, you will have proved to yourself that it's good simply because others have said so. It is probably OK. But then it's probably not great either.
If, instead of seeking approval, you ask, 'What's wrong with it? How can I make it better?’, you are more likely to get a truthful critical answer. You may even get an improvement on your idea. And you are still in a position to reject the criticism is you think it is wrong.
If you are involved in something that goes wrong, never blame others. Blame no one but yourself. If you have touched something accept total responsibility for that piece of work. If you accept responsibility, you are in the position to do something about it.
Here are some common excuses for failure:
1. It was a terrible brief.
2. I need a better partner.
3. There wasn’t enough money to do it properly.
4. The director didn’t listen to me.
5. I was too busy on other projects.
6. I wasn’t given enough time.
7. The client took out the best ideas.
Most of these grievances are every day on every job. That won’t change.
The point is that, whatever other people’s failings might be, you are the one to shoulder the responsibility.